Self-driving technology

Often, customers have a misconception about the simplicity of this process. And that's because of home robot vacuum cleaners. It seems like it's a small one, racing around the room and seemingly cleaning everywhere, but stick it in a bigger robot and it'll be the same. But that's as wrong as comparing a car to a spaceship.
Otherwise, if the technology was so simple, industrial drone robots, there would be a lot more of them and cabs would have been taking you around driverless long ago.
Also, our technology is different from 99% of competitors' solutions. Typically, SLAM technology is used for unmanned driving - this is when you have to scan a room in advance with lidar, then the robot, while moving, matches the environment with pictures from memory and realizes exactly where it is.
This technology has a number of disadvantages:
- does not work on large areas of 1000-2000m2
- inevitably accumulates statistical error
- does not work in a rapidly changing environment (e.g. large warehouses. Today there are pallets here, tomorrow there are not, the robot will get lost)
- requires large computing power on board
Our technology is based on RTLS. We have not found a single company that has implemented "drone" in any way close to us. The scheme is as follows: we hang so-called anchors (antennas similar to wi-fi modems) around the perimeter of the room, the receiver on the robot communicates with the anchors and realizes where it is. In essence, we have invented GPS in miniature.
It allows you to:
- work on areas of any size
- maximum stability
- 100% route fulfillment, just like a CNC machine.
- human-like speed